Appicenter's Verb Conjugator for Android

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Appicenter's Verb Conjugator is a replacement for traditional printed verb conjugation tables with many additional features:

Related Appicenter Apps

App-Specific FAQ

Click here for the non-app-specific FAQ (e.g. voice output)

A: This is a problem with the new Samsung Android N firmware.
We filed a bug report with Samsung (developer support request 4035). Unfortunately, there is not much we can do on our end. But the more people complain to Samsung the more likely it is that it will get fixed promptly.
One thing you can try is to change the "theme" of your android phone: When you pinch the screen without any app running, you will get an option to change the theme. You can get themes from the "samsung market" some are free. We do not have a Samsung phone exhibiting the problem but we think there is a good chance that another theme might fix the problem. We would be grateful if you could let us know if that worked for you or not.
Q: What to the abbreviations like "irr." mean?
A: The abbreviations are explained on the help screen under Menu
Q: Why are the conjugated forms not translated?
A: This is intentional as there usually is not a very good correspondence between the use of tenses in one language to another. The student is much better advised learning the meaning of tenses in both his native language and the language she wants to master.
Q: Why aren't there more forms for the imperative?
A: In most languages the are only two genuine forms of the imperative (2nd singular and plural). The other forms are borrowed from the "present subjunctive" tense.
Q: After switching my phone's user interface to a different language I no longer see the translation of the verbs.
A: The app matches the translations to the user interface language of the phone, e.g. a German user gets German translations, a Spanish user gets Spanish translations. This can be changed under Menu:Preferences. However, Translations are only provided for a limited number of user languages.
Q: For some verbs the auxiliary verb for the perfect tenses seems wrong (e.g. haben vs sein in German or avoir vs etre in French).
A: Some verbs can use both auxiliaries depending on context. Such verbs are marked with "sein2" (German) and "etre2" (French). Because of space constraints only on form will be shown in the tables.
